
Hi I’m Lottie. I am a Design and Technology teacher at a secondary school and a mum of two boys. My background is in fashion design, before coming a teacher I worked as a designer and pattern cutter for a womenswear brand. In my spare time I love being active and outdoors - cycling and braving sea swims!

My own creativity

Coming from a more ‘product design’ background I have a real passion for combining aesthetics with function. I believe problem solving is a key skill for young people so I love to combine this into the sessions. I love print design and the thought process this involves: lots of planning, experimenting and reflection before producing a final outcome. I love combining technology such as CAD and laser cutting with hand process techniques.

What inspires me

I am inspired by all different types of design, in particular I love architecture and interior design which satisfy my passion for technical detail. I love to travel and am inspired by exploring different cultures and environments - both city and nature.

My favourite project

I loved teaching students screen printing workshops at the half term hideouts. Teaching them the technical processes so they can get creative independently, the students always enjoy making something they can use/wear. The best part of the day is when you see students running up to their parents to show off their work. Seeing such enthusiasm for the session and confidence in their work is such a great feeling. This is the stand out moment of every workshop for me.

Why I do this

Working with RPS has been both informative and fun. There is a great collaborative approach to all the workshops/sessions. I have learnt a lot from the other members of the team which has helped my own teaching practice immensely, in particular how patient and calm Lulu is with the children. This just breeds a lovely atmosphere.

At the forefront of everything RPS does is the child - what will they get out of it? What will they enjoy? How can we support them emotionally as well as practically? The way RPS plans the sessions is really well executed but we still always leave space for freedom and creativity.

I think it’s easy to underestimate younger students but I have found they have such amazing knowledge, enthusiasm and skills. They are often less held back by social norms compared to older students I teach which is so refreshing. I am in awe of some of the creative outcomes they produce.

A stand out moment

I think one of my standout moments would be doing hide out during covid rules - the resilience and outstanding Beauvoir by the students was amazing to see. They are going through such a difficult year but the way the session was planned meticulously by the team meant they could socialise and still have fun.


I think RPS is building a fantastic programme which is clearly meeting a need for young people in our local area and I am very proud to be part of the team. I hope for RPS to continue to thrive whilst continuing its child centred ethos. I personally would love for some of the future programmes to include some older students. I think having a varied age range can be so valuable for children to learn from each other.